Equipe de recherche Addict'Aide : Amandine Luquiens

Nom: Luquiens

Prénom : Amandine

Présentation en quelques mots (parcours, compétences…) :
Psychiatre et addictologue, praticien hospitalier (service d’addictologie du Pr Perney au CHU de Nîmes)

Ses travaux de recherche portent sur les mesures subjectives en addictologie, et en particulier sur la qualité de vie, le repérage précoce et les interventions psychothérapeutiques innovantes, notamment en ligne, dans les champs de l’addiction aux jeux de hasard et d’argent et du trouble d’usage d’alcool. Ses travaux visent à développer l’approche centrée sur le patient et à améliorer le recours au soin en adaptant l’offre de soin aux besoins des personnes souffrant d’addiction.

·  Elle fait partie du Centre de recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations-Inserm. Elle est également administratrice de la Société Française d’Alcoologie, et vice-présidente du Collège National Universitaire des Enseignants d’Addictologie (CUNEA) et de l’association pour la diffusion des thérapies basées sur la pleine conscience en addictologie APCA-MBRP.

Université : Faculté de médecine Montpellier-Nîmes

Spécialité : Addictologie, Psychiatrie

Recherche originale

  • Luquiens A, Rolland B, Pelletier S, Alarcon R, Donnadieu-Rigole H, Benyamina A, et al. Role of Patient Sex in Early Recovery from Alcohol-Related Cognitive Impairment: Women Penalized. J Clin Med. 2019;8(6). IF 5.6
  • von Hammerstein C, Khazaal Y, Dupuis M, Aubin HJ, Benyamina A, Luquiens A, Romo L. Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness-based relapse prevention program in a naturalistic setting among treatment-seeking patients with alcohol use disorder: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(5):e026839. IF 4
  • Bonfils NA, Grall-Bronnec M, Caillon J, Limosin F, Benyamina A, Aubin HJ, Luquiens, A. Giving room to subjectivity in understanding and assessing problem gambling: A patient-centered approach focused on quality of life. J Behav Addict. 2019:1-11. IF: 3.6
  • Luquiens A, Vendryes D, Aubin HJ, Benyamina A, Gaiffas S, Bacry E. Description and assessment of trustability of motives for self-exclusion reported by online poker gamblers in a cohort using account-based gambling data. BMJ Open. 2018;8(12):e022541 IF: 2.4
  • Dormal V, Bremhorst V, Lannoy S, Lorant V, Luquiens A, Maurage P. Binge drinking is associated with reduced quality of life in young students: A pan-European study. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018;193:48-54. IF: 3.3
  • Luquiens A, Said AB, Sadik H, Ferrer Sanchez Del Villar E, Le Manach A, Ambrosino B, et al. (2018). Alcohol consumption, drinker identity, and quality of life among students: why there cannot be one prevention strategy for all. Qual Life Res. 2018. IF: 2.4
  • Luquiens, Owens, D. W halley, N. Rahhali, P. Laramee, R. Crawford, P. M. Llorca, B. Falissard

and H. J. Aubin (2017). « Health -related quality of life in alcohol dependence: Similar cross -cultural

impact beyond specific drinking habits. » J Ethn Subst Abuse: 1 -17. IF: 0.9

  • Romo, L.; Legauffre, C.; Guilleux, A.; Valleur, M.; Magalon, D.; Fatseas, M.; Chereau-Boudet, I.; Luquiens, A.; Venisse, J. L.; Group, J. E. U.; Grall-Bronnec, M.; Challet-Bouju, G., Cognitive distortions and ADHD in pathological gambling: A national longitudinal case-control cohort study. J Behav Addict 2016, 1-9. IF2.5
  • Luquiens A, Falissard B, Aubin HJ. (2016) Students worry about the impact of alcohol on quality of life: Roles of frequency of binge drinking and drinker self-concept. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2016 Aug 26. pii: S0376-8716(16)30860-2 IF3.3
  • Luquiens A, Tanguy M, Benyamina A, Lagadec M, Aubin H, Reynaud M (2016) Tracking online poker problem gamblers with player account-based gambling data only. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 2016 May 19. IF2.9
  • Challet-Bouju, G., Perrot, B., Romo, L., Valleur, M., Magalon, D., Fatseas, M., Chereau-Boudet, I., Luquiens, A., Grall-Bronnec, M., & Hardouin, J. B. (2016). Harmonizing Screening for Gambling Problems in Epidemiological Surveys – Development of the Rapid Screener for Problem Gambling (RSPG). J Behav Addict, 1-12 IF2.5
  • Luquiens, A., Tanguy, M.L., Lagadec, M., Benyamina, A., Aubin, H.J. & Reynaud, M. (2016). The Efficacy of Three Modalities of Internet-Based Psychotherapy for Non-Treatment-Seeking Online Problem Gamblers: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. e36. IF 4.5
  • Bruneau, P, M., Grall-Bronnec, M., Venisse, J.L., Romo, L., Valleur, M., Magalon, D., Fatseas, M., Chereau-Boudet, I., Luquiens, A., Challet-Bouju, G. & Hardouin, J.B. (2016). Gambling transitions among adult gamblers: A multi-state model using a Markovian approach applied to the JEU cohort. Addict Behav, Vol. 57, pp. 13-20. IF 2.8
  • Fatseas, M., Alexandre, J. M., Venisse, J. L., Romo, L., Valleur, M., Magalon, D., Chereau-Boudet, I., Luquiens, A., Guilleux, A., Groupe, J., Challet-Bouju, G., & Grall-Bronnec, M. (2016). Gambling behaviors and psychopathology related to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in problem and non-problem adult gamblers. Psychiatry Res 239, 232-8. IF2.5
  • Luquiens, A., Whalley, D., Laramee, P., Falissard, B., Kostogianni, N., Rehm, J., Manthey, J., Paille, F., & Aubin, H. J. (2016). Validation of a new patient-reported outcome instrument of health-related quality of life specific to patients with alcohol use disorder: the Alcohol Quality of Life Scale (AQoLS). Qual Life Res. 2016 Jun;25(6):1549-60. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-1190-5. Epub 2015 Nov 20. IF 2.4
  • Francois, C., Rahhali, N., Chalem, Y., Sorensen, P., Luquiens, A., & Aubin, H. J. (2015). The Effects of as-Needed Nalmefene on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life in Relation to a Reduction in Alcohol Consumption in Alcohol-Dependent Patients. PLoS One Jun 8;10(6):e0129289 IF 3.1
  • Luquiens, A., Whalley, D., Crawford, S. R., Laramee, P., Doward, L., Price, M., Hawken, N., Dorey, J., Owens, L., Llorca, P. M., Falissard, B., & Aubin, H. J. (2014). Development of the Alcohol Quality of Life Scale (AQoLS): a new patient-reported outcome measure to assess health-related quality of life in alcohol use disorder. Qual Life Res 24, 1471-81. IF 2.4
  • Nordon, C., Falissard, B., Gerard, S., Angst, J., Azorin, J. M., Luquiens, A., Reed, C., Lukasiewicz, M., & Gasquet, I. (2013). Patient satisfaction with psychotropic drugs: Validation of the PAtient SAtisfaction with Psychotropic (PASAP) scale in patients with bipolar disorder. Eur Psychiatry. IF 3.4
  • Reynaud, M., Luquiens, A., Aubin, H. J., Talon, C., & Bourgain, C. (2013). Quantitative damage-benefit evaluation of drug effects: major discrepancies between the general population, users and experts. J Psychopharmacol 27, 590-9. IF 2.8
  • Henry, C., Luquiens, A., Lancon, C., Sapin, H., Zins-Ritter, M., Gerard, S., Perrin, E., Falissard, B., & Lukasiewicz, M. (2013). Inhibition/activation in bipolar disorder: validation of the Multidimensional Assessment of Thymic States scale (MAThyS). BMC Psychiatry 13, 79 IF2.2.
  • Bellivier, F., Yon, L., Luquiens, A., Azorin, J. M., Bertsch, J., Gerard, S., Reed, C., & Lukasiewicz, M. (2011). Suicidal attempts in bipolar disorder: results from an observational study (EMBLEM). Bipolar Disord 13, 377-86 IF5.3.
  • Luquiens, A., Reynaud, M., & Aubin, H. J. (2011). Is controlled drinking an acceptable goal in the treatment of alcohol dependence? A survey of French alcohol specialists. Alcohol Alcohol 46, 586-91. 9
  • Azorin, J. M., Luquiens, A., Aubrun, E., Reed, C., Gasquet, I., & Lukasiewicz, M. (2010). [Management of patients with acute manic or mixed episodes and outcome at three months]. Encephale 36, 226-35. IF0.4


 Revues de la littérature

  • Bonfils NA, Aubin HJ, Benyamina A, Limosin F, Luquiens A. Quality of life instruments used in problem gambling studies: A systematic review and a meta-analysis. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2019;104:58-7. IF 0
  • Luquiens A, Miranda R, Benyamina A, Carre A, Aubin HJ. Cognitive training: A new avenue in gambling disorder management? Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2018. IF 0
  • Luquiens (2016) [There’s no age limit for gambling — to excess!] NPG Neurologie – Psychiatrie – Gériatrie 16 (2016), pp. 243-245
  • Luquiens, A., & Aubin, H. J. (2014). Patient preferences and perspectives regarding reducing alcohol consumption: role of nalmefene. Patient Prefer Adherence 8, 1347-52. IF 1.7
  • Luquiens, A., M. Reynaud, et al. (2012). « Quality of life among alcohol-dependent patients: How

satisfactory are the available instruments? A systematic review. » Drug Alcohol Depend 125(3): 192-

  • IF 3.1